We provide an basic understanding for contract managers, personnel professionals, project managers, financial personnel, and compliance officials covering:
The applicable labor requirements - from wage rates and fringe benefits to health plans and overtime issues.
When they are applied.
How they are enforced.
Efficiently incorporating them into your contract activities.
Government contracting is tough enough without labor problems on your home ground. Even so, contractors who perform a wide range of services for the Government must comply with a sweeping range of special labor requirements. Chief among these labor requirements are those contained in the Service Contract Act provisions continually presenting contractors with a large number of difficult questions and problem areas, and ones that are being more aggressively reviewed and enforced by the Government than ever before-with increasingly severe penalties.
We will guide you on what the Service Contract Act's labor requirements are, when they are applicable, and how to efficiently incorporate them into your daily contracting activities. We offer maximum benefits to personnel professionals, contract managers, legal counsel, project managers, and others who are involved with a contract's labor requirements. Further, the we offer practical guidance on your rights, options and remedies.
When the Act applies.
The Act's coverage; exemptions to the provisions.
Wage determination procedures; prevailing labor rate issues.
Determining prevailing fringe benefits.
Measuring health and safety benefits; compliance with the requirements; the problem of self insured benefit plans.
Applications to subcontracts.
Special problems of off-site contracts.
Multi-year contracts and contracts with options.
The effect of change orders and wage escalations.
The Successor Contractor rule.
Debarment absent "unusual circumstances" rule.
Applicable overtime compensation laws.
Special overtime problems.
Interrelationship of the Service Contract Act with other labor laws.